GreenLight Laser™ Now Available from Matthew S. Lief, MD

GreenLight Laser™ is another treatment option for men with an enlarged prostate. It uses a high-energy laser that “vaporizes” excess prostatic tissue blocking normal urine flow. An oupatient procedure that takes 20 to 50 minutes to perform, GreenLight Laser provides long-lasting, and often, immediate relief to symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.

Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate
GreenLight Laser™ Benefits

Dr. Matthew Lief is among the first physicians to perform GreenLight Laser in the Coral Springs, Florida, area. He provides a variety of treatment options for men with an enlarged prostate, from standard surgery, to newer approaches that can be performed in-office or as an outpatient procedure.

video clip of the high-powered Green Light Laser procedure

To learn more about the GreenLight Laser

Dr. Lief has expertise in the latest urological technology and innovations.

Patient education is the central focus of his care, allowing patients to become partners in health care decision-making.

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